
Technologies Used for Clearing Blocked Drains


Clearing blocked drains is a common problem that can cause significant inconvenience and even health hazards. Over the years, various technologies for blocked drains have been developed to effectively clear these blockages and ensure the smooth flow of wastewater. From traditional methods like rodding and drain jetting to advanced technologies like video sewer inspections and smart drainage sensors, each method has its strengths and weaknesses. We will explore the different technologies used for clearing blocked drains, their advantages and disadvantages, and approximate costs of each.

Rodding and Drain Jetting

Rodding is a traditional method that involves using a set of rods to clear blockages in drains. This technique has been in use for as long as drains have existed and is still effective for clearing simple clogs. However, it can sometimes leave residue behind, creating a potential bottleneck for future blockages.

Drain jetting is a more modern and effective method that uses high-pressure water to break through blockages. This technique is particularly useful for removing stubborn clogs and returning the drain to full capacity. Unlike rodding, drain jetting can completely remove the blockage, reducing the risk of future issues.

Approximate Costs:

Rodding: $100-$500

Drain Jetting: $200-$1,000


1. Effective for simple clogs. Rodding and drain jetting are effective for clearing simple clogs caused by hair, soap, and other debris.
2. Relatively inexpensive. These methods are relatively inexpensive compared to other technologies, making them a cost-effective option for clearing blockages.
3. Can be done by hand. Rodding can be done manually, which means that plumbers do not need specialised equipment to perform the task.


1. May not be effective for stubborn blockages. Rodding and drain jetting may not be effective for clearing stubborn blockages caused by grease, tree roots, or other complex issues.
2. Can leave residue behind. Rodding can leave residue behind, which can create a potential bottleneck for future blockages.
3. Requires manual labour. Rodding requires manual labour, which can be time-consuming and physically demanding.

Video Sewer Inspection and Motorized Drain Snakes

To better understand the location and extent of blockages, plumbers and drainage experts often use video sewer inspections. These cameras enter the pipe and provide a real-time view of the inside, allowing for the identification of buildup, clogs, tree roots, and small holes that could become future problems. This technology can see up to 150 feet into the line, making it an essential tool for diagnosing and clearing blockages.

Motorised drain snakes are another tool used to clear blockages. These flexible metal cords feature a rotating head with a blade and can shred through even the toughest clogs, including hardened grease buildup and tree roots. They are particularly effective for clearing hard clogs and can sometimes pull out the blockage entirely.

Approximate Costs:

Video Sewer Inspection: $500-$2,000

Motorized Drain Snakes: $500-$1,500


1. Provides real-time visual feedback. Video sewer inspections provide real-time visual feedback, allowing plumbers to identify the location and extent of blockages.
2. Can identify potential issues before they become major problems. Video sewer inspections can identify potential issues before they become major problems, reducing the risk of costly repairs.
3. Can be used for both diagnostic and clearing purposes. Video sewer inspections can be used for both diagnostic and clearing purposes, making them a versatile tool for plumbers.


1. Requires specialised equipment and training. Video sewer inspections require specialised equipment and training, which can be expensive and time-consuming.
2. Can be expensive. Video sewer inspections can be expensive, especially if the equipment is not readily available.
3. May not be effective for very long or complex pipes. Video sewer inspections may not be effective for very long or complex pipes, which can require more specialised equipment.

Water Jetters and Electro-Mechanical Cleaning

Water jetters, also known as hydro jetters, are powerful tools that use high-pressure water to blast away buildup and debris in drain and sewer lines. They can reach several hundred feet and are effective for clearing grease and other stubborn blockages. This technology is particularly useful for clearing long stretches of pipe and can be used in conjunction with other methods to ensure thorough cleaning.

Electro-mechanical cleaning is another method that uses a motorised cable with blades to break up blockages. This technology is effective for clearing grease and hair-based clogs but can potentially damage pipes if operated incorrectly. It is often used in combination with other methods to ensure effective clearing.

Approximate Costs:

Water Jetters: $1,000-$5,000

Electro-Mechanical Cleaning: $1,000-$3,000


1. Effective for clearing long stretches of pipe: Water jetters and electro-mechanical cleaning are effective for clearing long stretches of pipe, making them a good option for commercial or industrial settings.
2. Can be used in conjunction with other methods: These methods can be used in conjunction with other methods, such as rodding or drain jetting, to ensure thorough cleaning.
3. Can be more efficient than manual methods: Water jetters and electro-mechanical cleaning can be more efficient than manual methods, reducing the time and labour required for clearing blockages.


1. Can be expensive. Water jetters and electro-mechanical cleaning can be expensive, especially if the equipment is not readily available.
2. Requires specialised equipment and training. These methods require specialised equipment and training, which can be expensive and time-consuming.
3. May not be effective for very small or delicate pipes. Water jetters and electro-mechanical cleaning may not be effective for very small or delicate pipes, which can require more specialised equipment.

Smart Drainage Sensors

Smart drainage sensors are a newer technology that monitors drains in real-time and automatically flags any abnormalities in flow rate that suggest a blockage. This technology has the potential to prevent blockages from forming in the first place, reducing the need for costly and time-consuming cleaning.

Approximate Cost: $5,000-$20,000


1. It prevents blockages from forming. Smart drainage sensors can prevent blockages from forming by detecting issues early and alerting plumbers to take action.
2. Reduces the need for costly cleaning. Smart drainage sensors can reduce the need for costly cleaning by detecting issues early and allowing for targeted maintenance.
3. Professionals can integrate this into existing infrastructure. Professionals can integrate smart drainage sensors into existing infrastructure. The integration makes them a good option for commercial or industrial settings.


1. Requires significant upfront investment. Smart drainage sensors require a significant upfront investment, which can be a barrier for some businesses or homeowners.
2. May not be effective for all types of blockages. Smart drainage sensors may not be effective for all types of blockages, which can require more specialised equipment.
3. Requires ongoing maintenance and monitoring. Smart drainage sensors require ongoing maintenance and monitoring, which can be time-consuming and expensive.

The Bottom Line

Clearing blocked drains is a crucial task that requires the right technology and expertise. By understanding the different technologies available and their advantages and disadvantages, plumbers and homeowners can make informed decisions about which method to use. Whether it's traditional methods like rodding and drain jetting or advanced technologies like video sewer inspections and smart drainage sensors, each method has its strengths and weaknesses. By choosing the right technology for the job, individuals can ensure the smooth flow of wastewater and prevent costly repairs.

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